An Underwater Energy Practice for Lower Dantian

An Underwater Energy Practice for Lower Dantian

October 24, 2022 0 By Alp Arslan

I developed this exercise this summer and have been practicing it from time to time by now. Now I cannot swim (it is cold here as of the end of October).

I recommend it if you are interested in the energy secrets of your body or empower your lower back, legs, kidneys, stomach, spline, and liver.

When you rotate your leg around it and put your hand on your abdomen, you will see that the area under your hand feels moving. The health of that area is vital as it contains the above organs.

In eastern traditions, the area around the abdomen is very important. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it is called the Lower Dantian and the Japanese call it Hara. More specifically, it is behind our navel (Chi Nei Tsang) and the secret button right behind the spot we call Mingmen on the lower back (if you tap there with your fist, you may feel it). Naturally, Chi Nei Tsang and Mingmen are in alignment.

Nature works in spiral movements and our Qigong practice has lots of movements of rotation.  


Rotation of your leg under the sea may provide more benefits as it encounters the resistance of water.

Do it with two legs inward and outward, like 10 times a day if you have the possibility and means to swim. You may feel more energy and less stress if you do it consistently.
