A Technological Practice to cultivate Patience

A Technological Practice to cultivate Patience

January 14, 2024 0 By Alp Arslan

In our fast-paced world, we scroll through endless feeds, demand rapid response times, and chase results with a single-minded focus. But amidst the hustle and bustle, neglecting patience comes at a steep price. Nevertheless, this frequently overlooked quality may hold the key to a more fulfilling and thriving life.

We can use technology to easily improve such an important virtue by simply changing the Battery and Sleep Settings of our operating systems.

In Windows, for example, find your battery icon and right-click on it to go to the settings.

Set your intention to practice patience for a while, like one month, one year, a lifetime, etc.

Make your system turn off the screen after 3 minutes in all statuses. 

Each time you are not around for a while, your system will turn off the screen. When you are back, it will ask you for a password to turn the screen on again.

At that moment, think about the word Patience. You may want to change your password to Patience.

Over time, you will see that this practice might have built this quality.


  • Stronger Relationships,  
  • Improved Decision-Making, 
  • Enhanced Resilience,
  • Greater Fulfillment,
  • Presence,
  • Joy.

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