This ancient practice may reveal your truth and change your life

This ancient practice may reveal your truth and change your life

November 26, 2021 0 By holisti1

There are many lifestyles that make us feel good and nothing wrong with them. Nevertheless, you might be a truth seeker witnessing that some lifestyles imposed or shown to you are not your cup of tea and there could be better ones.

If you are not a believer in ancient wisdom but think that your life is not going as wonderfully as you feel, there are many other things that could return you to your truth. For example, mindfulness is a good practice or you can pore over the hygge philosophy from Denmark. While the source of both of them has references to ancient wisdom and the essence of all religions and belief systems, you can safely use them without compromising your own values. Just search for “western mindfulness” or “hygge.” They are the arts of living that guarantee you happiness.

If you feel like you are open to all religions, beliefs, and ancient practices stemming from them, we have a great practice that will surely carry you toward happiness, satisfaction, and truth.

Physical practice is recommended everywhere and by every authority. Some experts and practitioners of some western sports like football, boxing, etc. say that they suffer from physical pain a lot because of their lifetime practice, as the years go by. Physical practices require one to be artful, not hurtful or forceful. 

Some ancient wisdom systems combine physical practice with their worship. For example, the Islamic practice of salaat is simply wonderful. Muslims practice it five times a day, either in mosques or at home. While there is no formal reference to chakras in Islamic teaching, the practice has a lot to do with activating our energy centers. They, for instance, prostrate, make references to both sides of their heads, turn their palms for prayer and receiving blessings, etc., which can be seen in Buddhism or Hinduism, or many other belief systems, or activities like Kundalini yoga. They also position themselves toward the direction of the Ka’bah in Mecca, which is considered by some people to be a ley line yielding good energies during the practice.

The ancient practice we would like to recommend this time is from Hinduism. Kriyas are great practices and may bring along wonderful results. The practice is named “Siddho Hum Kriya.” 

Siddho Hum Kriya is very simple and everyone, including us, guarantees its powerful positive impacts. Above all, it is all related to our good intention and removes mental gaps that can be hit by lower negative energies, possibly revealing our true nature.

It simply asks us to practice five things for about ten minutes and for about two weeks, or as long as we want:

1- Surrender

2- Connect

3- Pray

4- Receive

5- Be grateful

You may want to practice it in a retreat for a particular period.

It is usually launched as “The Most Powerful Spiritual Practice” by its experts.

For more (and better) information, you can watch the following videos.

The Most Powerful Spiritual Practice Siddho Hum Kriya [100% RESULTS!!]

The Most Powerful Spiritual Technique – Siddho Hum Kriya | Daily Practice
