This method could be one of the ways you discover your life purpose

This method could be one of the ways you discover your life purpose

November 14, 2021 0 By holisti1

If you think you have no special things to do in this world, which you have brought and having been experienced from your childhood, this method could help. For example, a huge majority of pilots are born with a great passion to fly and they generate the responsibility and occupation of flying people in their adulthood.

If you are not unsure about your life purpose, we will show you a way to explore it and maybe discover it. 

Your current situation starts telling about it. Ask the following questions:

1- Am I increasingly satisfied with what I am currently doing?

2- Is there a huge love in me to do the things I am meant to do?

3- Do those things even cover some of my dreams, particularly when I wake up, from time to time?

4- Do I think about what I am doing day and night with love and willingness?

5- Do I have limitless energy and motivation to do them?

6-Do I find them easy to do?

7-Do I feel a magnetism/attraction between/toward them?

8-Do I feel I need self-improvement to be better in them?

9-Do I feel it is wonderful to make money out of them?

10-Do I find myself talking to people about how I enjoy them?

As a rule, which we first heard from the owner of a little soup restaurant, “The easiest job feels difficult when you do not love it and the most difficult one feels easy when you do love it.”

Here is our method:

1- Do believe the sources that say you had chosen your parents before you were born and they are a perfect match for you regardless of any ups and downs or your analyses.

2- Explore your mother’s occupation, traits, tendencies, likes, dislikes, motivations, etc.

3- Do the above exploration with your father now.

If one or both of them do not exist, contemplate whatever you have learned about them. If one of them is a stepmother or stepfather, there is the likelihood that things are similar as they are a perfect match.

For example, the mother could be a romantic, teacher, traveler, and good cook. And the father is a nature lover, lawyer, and art aficionado. It is quite possible that the child will have a proclivity toward their tendencies. It is hard for this family to give birth to an entirely different child.

It is quite likely that a psychiatrist family has a child with a tendency toward their profession.

Please know that there are people who give up such tendencies and try something else. For example, a person tired of city life could leave the city and start farming while he or she is actually meant to be a journalist. He or she could then come to realize the difficulties of rural life or wildlife. Or he or she could adapt and find greater happiness there.

We read instances that people spend years or decades doing the things that they are not meant to do and end up with frustration even if they become successful and even rich.

There are also a significantly high number of people who choose guarantees rather than their life purpose, as a good “push” from the ego which means our survival-oriented existence, not presence. For example, they aim to work for the state as a permanent job or pursue their insurances, rather than creativity, self-development, and lovingly and happily working.

If you do not want your life to become a trial and error and come to a conclusion that you have spent your life for nothing and delve into the world of frustrations, please explore yourself and your parents to discover your life purpose. 

Look inward and see their “things” you have explored are there. If they are, you are on the right path.