A three-second peace practice against prejudices and conflicts

A three-second peace practice against prejudices and conflicts

November 9, 2021 0 By holisti1

We all have prejudices against many things, be it wildlife, animals, our neighbors, the world, or even our family members, and even more, the universe.

It may be related to our perceptions through our sensory organs and our mind constructs them into many things that build our life, like our emotions, intellectuality, behavior, career, to name a few.

Until the last few decades, the prevailing scientific belief was that our minds, so our character, could not be altered and we would keep on as we exist, with all the ups and downs. Masters of spirituality have already known that our minds are workable. See a Buddhist approach here: Keep Calm When Your Mind is Wild.

We will now play with and practice by highlighting three things: our perceptions (mind), our patience to spare a second from our busy lives, and our willingness to explore our and all living beings’ true nature, even for a second.

For practicing this method, please find someone around you or in your social media or wherever.

1- Spare the first second to recognize and know your immediate impression and perception of that person. You may want to note it.

2- Spare the second second for a thing that an enormous number of people fail to spare for many reasons: stop thinking for just a second and focus your attention inward. View that person from there.

3- Spare the third second to compare your impressions.

If you do not feel any difference, this practice is not for you and you may try something else by excusing us for your time. If not, and you wonder what the difference comes from, we can say it depends on many factors like inner eyes, enlightenment, consciousness, truth, oneness, to name a few. 

We believe viewing others through inner eyes is the true impression of others. While regular eyes cannot tell a lie, inner eyes may not even know such a thing, as we can develop a perspective and try to come up with a wise saying. They are simply not set to be deceived in any case whatsoever.

If you consider it useful, you can practice this method anytime you want. You do not have to be in a disciplined state to practice it anytime you want. To “be” disciplined-thus becoming a disciple- was quite important in the past, but this century is the one where our emotions are the banner-bearers of our life and we can “be” even better when we do things we love, which are much easier to do. So, you can practice this method for three seconds evevery dayor every week, every Christmas, or anytime. With spiritual practice, we are not building muscles, we are building a peaceful, loving, and joyful life for ourselves and each and every other being. So, the gym motto of “no pain, no gain” is turning into “No love, no life!”