Riding emotional roller-coasters? Try our emotional Ferris wheel

Riding emotional roller-coasters? Try our emotional Ferris wheel

October 29, 2021 0 By holisti1

Before starting:

  • Know that this method may not work for everyone as we have unique attributes.
  • As we always do, we recommend having medical attention when your mind is out of your control.
  • It will be beneficial to listen to some calming music throughout the exercise.

You might have heard of the approach of “emotional roller-coaster.” Your emotions navigate extremes too fast that you cannot feel comfortable through your physical and emotional means.

Our dualistic mind tends to make us experience lots of emotional ups and downs, which may be normal to some extent. Ideally, dualism is, like ego, something that is spiritually not wanted for the purposes of more harmony and unity in our lives.

As duality may need time to be rid of, we can transform our emotional roller-coasters into Ferris wheels whenever we feel we are at full throttle on an emotional roller-coaster.

As everyone has a unique emotional system in his/her emotional body, it has several unique feeling tones, like respect, compassion, dislike, irritation, melancholy, joy, etc.

Note down about six feeling tones you have specific to you and you like or you’d better have.

This will not be a mind game. It is only a game of natural flow of emotions under normal circumstances.

Now, imagine a small Ferris wheel within you. Place it between your abdomen and heart. As you know, a Ferris wheel rotates slowly. It is much slower than many other rides. It is just the sort of enjoyment of heights and lows. It flows so calmly that your body seeks for and is in need of.

Assign a feeling tone to each car of the Ferris wheel. You may want to memorize them in an order and to imagine the cars shining like a crystal.

The important thing here is that when the Ferris wheel rotates, its respective car will start from the navel area and arrive at your heart center.

Say the name of the feeling (e.g. peace) tone to yourself when it departs the abdomen area and imagine that it deepens and becomes clearer in your life until it arrives at its destination.

Utterance of some important words or phrases loudly is helpful in view of their impact. Utter them loudly if you are in a place you feel comfortable to do so and calmly (and by heart).

Turn your wheel slowly and harmoniously as many times as you wish, repeating the words. 

Enjoy your true nature and remember to turn it from time to time if it works for you.

Note that you can use this wheel also when a negative emotion comes, to move it upward in order to reduce its impact.

Ferris wheel soul work:

Developed in line with the realities of the world, ego finds it hard to believe in and has a blur image of the soul and other members of the divine team of a person, as we believe. If you believe in your soul, this exercise can be much easier and more effective as you work with it. If that is the case for you, continue with the following soul exercise.

If you are close and open to your soul, it is certainly close to you and you probably know how it is loving toward you and willing to help you lead the life you deserve. Nevertheless, your free will matters most.

Assign to each of your car the typical essential qualities shared by souls: Love, peace, and joy. You may want to assign other traits or feelings like compassion, clarity, courage, patience, humor, etc. which your soul will love to see in you.

Imagine that the wheel is, with all its components, so varicolored, crystal-clear, and shiny that its radiance flows out of you. 

You do not need to call forth your soul; just feel it. Ask your soul to increase your vibration and stop thinking for a moment and be ready to receive. Normally, it likes to send any positive thing you want for your higher goodness, right away. You can ask for vibration or any positive energy from your soul. Know that it is not someone else or a magical thing. It is just one of the essential elements that constitute you as an immensely and unconditionally loved individual. Ask and wait for it. Usually, such things come in a form of feeling other than you have expected. Now ask for relation to your physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

Start turning your wheel very slowly. While doing it and imagining a feeling tone like “love or joy, etc.,” ask your soul to send that feeling, by way of saying something like “Send love please.” When it comes, observe its assigned car’s departure from the abdomen and stay in that feeling until its arrival to your true command center. Let it rotate in you as long as you want. You may want to assign other feeling tones to other cars and play with them by simply asking for them saying their names. 

Observe your wheel rotating within you slowly, harmoniously, and serenely. 

When you finish the process by considering it as enough over time, like one minute or ten, extend your thanks to your soul.

Ferris wheel Buddhist practice:

If you are amicable with Buddhism, you may want to assign “Buddhism’s Ten Paramis (Perfections),” which are: 1: Generosity; 2: Morality; 3: Renunciation; 4:Insight; 5: Energy; 6: Patience; 7: Truthfulness; 8: Resolution; 9: Loving-kindness; and 10: Equanimity; to your rotating cars in order to cultivate them within you by saying and focusing on-and if you wish and through slowing down your wheel even more, contemplating – their names in each rotation.

This may also regulate your sleep patterns if you intend to concentrate on and repeat, say three of, them over and over again, each time from scratch, before sleeping.

A. A.