Dispel an unwanted thought in a millisecond

Dispel an unwanted thought in a millisecond

October 15, 2021 0 By holisti1

If you have some unwanted thoughts during the day, we have developed a method for you to use.

Please know that those thoughts are not your true thoughts as you simply don’t want them.

Those thoughts are like mosquitos and actually very easy to ward off if you are concentrated and motivated to do something well and not too deep in the hellhole of depression.

If your mind is overly affected, seek help from others or healthcare professionals but if they are the thoughts you are familiar with and you just don’t want, you can try this method for a day. It is very easy but not guaranteed in view of the diversity of circumstances and personalities. Try for a day. It will probably work. If not, just discard it.

The Left Nostril Emergency Response Method

You may have noticed that unwanted thoughts are like energies hitting you from your left side. We just use this awareness.

When one of them comes, just remember to breathe from your left nostril and do it.

If you try it now, you will see that it has a reference to our heart, where our wanted thoughts are present! You also remembered the awareness about breathing. Awareness would erase those thoughts.

You may want to adjust the depth of the breath depending on the severity of the attack.